In pursuance of paragraph 11 of the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated the November 03, 2004 No. 816-р "On Measures for the Implementation of Ukraine's Obligations under the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants" regarding to the specialists training at the National Agrarian University, specialties: Bachelor Degree in "New Varieties Study and varieties property rights protection" ("Agronomy" branch), Master Degree in "Selection and genetics of agricultural crops" and with the purpose to staff the state system of varieties property rights protection, the Agreement on Cooperation and Organization of Relationship No. 59 dated June 26, 2014 between the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination and the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (NUBiP of Ukraine) is continued to June 30, 2019.
The agreement provides the training on specialty "Selection and genetics of agricultural crops", specialization "Plant varieties study and property rights protection". The theoretical and practical educational course will improve students’ knowledge of plant varieties phenotype and genotype, methods for plant variety identification and their application in the process of state registration of varieties and acquisition of variety property right, as an object of intellectual property.
The course: “VCU state qualifying examination” involves the study of a comprehensive assessment of plant varieties according to morphological and economic-valuable characteristics during the accepted field-and-laboratory testing and as a result the decision will be taken on variety state registration with inclusion to the State Register of plant varieties valuable for cultivation in Ukraine. The course forms the organizing principles for scientifically based monitoring of the plant varieties market. The theoretical and practical course will enable to detect the variety quantitative and qualitative characteristics - resistance to stress factors of the environment, determination of varieties’ plasticity and adaptability in the process of transformation of their economic, biological, consumer and intellectual value.
Full information about the courses can be obtained at the Department of Genetics, Selection and Seed (NUBiP of Ukraine).
Specialists of the Master Degree, specialty “Selection and Genetics of agricultural crops” and specialization “New Varieties Study and Varieties Property Rights Protection” work in various subdivisions of agrarian sector and 25 NUBiP graduates are the employees of the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Examination.