International events
The international activity of the UIPVE is aimed at ensuring its integration into the world and European Community on the plant variety rights protection, obtaining additional opportunities for accelerated development within the framework of European integration, and studying foreign experience concerning organizing and conducting plant variety examination.
On October 8, 2024 the VI International Applied Research Conference on «World plant resources: current state and development prospects» was held at the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination (UIPVE).
The event was organized by the UIPVE. The conference was attended by 94 scientists and students from UIPVE, the Selection and Genetic Institute – National Center for Seed Science and Variety Testing, the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, the Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beet of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Ukraine, the University of Badji Mokhtar Annaba (Algeria), and other higher education institutions and research establishments. The conference proceedings were published in a collection of abstracts.
On September 25, 2024, the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination held the VII International Online Conference of Young Scientists «Genetics and breeding of agricultural crops: from molecule cule to variety». The event was organized by the Young Scientists' Council of the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination. The conference was attended by 108 scientists and students from the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination, the Selection and Genetic Institute – National Center for Seed Science and Variety Testing, the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, the Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beet of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Ukraine, and other higher education institutions and research establishments.
The conference proceedings were published in a collection of abstracts.
On August 07, 2024 the Memorandum about understanding was signed between Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination (Ukraine) and State Plant Protection Service (Republic of Latvia) with the aim of development the international cooperation in the field of agriculture
Під час робочої зустрічі сторонами визначено напрями співпраці. Відповідно до підписаного документу сторони спільно сприятимуть двосторонньому співробітництву в галузях: садівництва, овочівництва, польових культур, здійснюватимуть спільні наукові дослідження, обмін науковою інформацією, проведення спільних заходів (семінарів, тренінгів, лекцій, конференцій тощо).
On June 19, 2024 the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination (UIPVE) was pleased in welcoming the delegates of JICA under Japanese Grant Assistance “The Programme for Emergency Recovery” by support of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.
The meeting was carried out with participation of Mr. Takao Shimokava (Director General, Economic Development Department, JICA HQ), Mr. Hajime Yamazaki (Senior Deputy Director Agricultural and Rural Development Group 2, Economic Development Department, JICA HQ), Mr. Riomi Yamagishi (representative of JICA Ukraine office), Ms. Aliona Tkach (Project Officer JICA Ukraine office), Mr. Ihor Vishtak (Head of the Department for Agrarian Development of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine), Ms. Yana Zubko (Chief expert of the Department for International Cooperation, of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine), Mr. Serhii Melnyk (Director of the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination), Ms. Larysa Prysiazhniuk (Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination) and experts of plant variety examination and laboratory analysis of the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination.
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From June 12 to 13, 2024, in the frame of EU Twinning Project "Approximation of national legislation of Ukraine in the fields of state supervision (control) of GMOs in open systems, protection of plant variety rights, and seed and seedling production in line with EU norms and standards" to the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination (UIPVE) was held visit representatives of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection (SSUFSCP) and of the relevant experts of Project.
In the meeting were attended by Mr. Serhiy Melnyk (Director of the UIPVE), deputy directors of the UIPVE, Mrs. Kristine Lomanikoi (head of the Project), Mrs. Modris Frikmanis (permanent advisor of the Project), Mrs. Lien Yaunzeme and Mrs. Inga Ovsyannikova (experts of the Project), Mr. Vadym Chaikovsky (deputy head of the SSUFSCP), Mrs. Alla Yanenko (deputy head of the department - the head of the control department in the fields of seed production, nurseries and plant variety rights protection of the Department of Phytosanitary Safety and Control in Crop Production, Mrs. Svitlana Lahtionova (chief specialist of the Department of Control in the Fields of Seed Production, Nurseries and plant variety rights protection of the Department of Phytosanitary Safety and Control in Crop Production).
The director of the UIPVE introduced the work activities of the institute and the organization of on post control and laboratory control. The participants of the meeting visited the Laboratory of Molecular Genetic Analysis of the UIPVE. On June 13, 2024, the delegation visited the Kyiv specialized affiliate.
Detailed information: (
On June 7, 2024, the IV International Applied Research Conference "Newest Agricultural Technologies and Variety Studding" was held at the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination. The Conference was attended by scientists from the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination, the Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beet of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Ukraine, the Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University, the National Scientific Center "Institute of agrarian economics" (Ukraine) and the National Higher School of Technology and Engineering (Algeria).
You can find the materials of the Conference on the website and on the conference website of the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination by following the link
On march 27, 2024, a working meeting with representatives of the JICA company was held at the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination within the framework of the implementation of the Japanese Grant Assistance the Programme for Emergency Recovery to Ukraine with the assistance of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.
The following participants took a part in the meeting: Mr. Hitoshi Fujiie (Deputy Director General, Economic Development Department, JICA HQ), Mr. Yoji Matsui (Director, Economic Development Department, JICA HQ), Mr. Ihor Vishtak (Head of the Department of Agrarian Development), Ms. Yana Burduk (Chief expert of the Department for International Cooperation, of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine), Mr. Serhii Melnyk (Director of the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination), Ms. Larysa Prysiazhniuk (Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination) and experts of technical plant variety examination and laboratory research of plant varieties.
Within the work meeting the Director of the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination Mr. Serhii Melnyk got acquainted the delegates of JICA the features of Institute activities, highlighted the obligation and importance of technical examination of new plant varieties for plant breeders' rights protection. The important questions of expected outcomes of the project fulfilment were discussed and the possibility of future cooperation was outlined.
Detailed information:
May 24, 25, and 30, 2023
Distance learning took place within the framework of the international project (PVP Toolbox program): series of online sessions with Ukrainian authorities. The participants listened to the presentations and asked questions about the following topics of the lectures:
‑ "The system of protection of breeder's rights and DUS test in the Kingdom of the Netherlands" (speaker: Mr. Kees Jan Groenewoud, secretary of the Plant Variety Council, the Kingdom of the Netherlands);
‑ "Introduction to Naktuinbouw's variety examination department and support team" (speaker: Mrs. Monique Hogenboom, Naktuinbouw);
"Naktuinbouw Business Center" (speaker: Mrs. Dita van der Plas, Naktuinbouw);
‑ "Samples and maintaining the national list " (speaker: Mrs. Monique Hogenboom, Naktuinbouw);
‑ "Intermediate Values and Parent Lines" (speaker: Mr. Wim Sangster, Naktuinbouw); "DUS and DNA. The use of DNA technology in the examination at the General Assembly" (speaker: Mr. Wim Sangster, Naktuinbouw);
‑ "Variety Denomination" (speaker: Mr. Marko Hoffmann, Naktuinbouw).
June 6‑8, 2023
Mrs. Larysa Prysiazhniuk ‑ deputy director for scientific work and Mrs. Iryna Dikhtiar ‑ head of the laboratory of molecular genetic analysis took part in the workshop "Using molecular markers in DUS". The training was conducted at the base of the expert body of France GEVES, La Rochelle, France.
September 29, 2023
The Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination held International Applied Research Conference on 100th anniversary of Establishment of the Ukrainian National Variety Resources”, dedicated to the anniversary of the varietal testing system of Ukraine. The participants of the conference were greeted by foreign colleagues: General Director of the Research Center for Cultivar Testing (COBORU)., Doctor of Science, Professor Henryk Bujak, Chairman of the State Commission for Crops Variety Testing of Republic of Moldova Mr. Mihail Machidon, Director of the Netherlands Inspection Service for Horticulture (Naktuinbouw) of the Kingdom of Netherlands ‑ Mr. John van Ruiten. Detailed
November 5‑8, 2023
There was a visit to the Chisinau city (Republic of Moldova) by the director of UIPVE – Mr. Serhii Melnyk and the head of the examination department for distinctness, uniformity and stability of plant varieties of UIPVE – Mrs. Svitlana Hryniv. The visit of UIPVE representatives was in accordance with the technical task for the delegation of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine to the Republic of Moldova. During the visit to the State Commission for Testing Plant Varieties on November 6, 2023, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Ukrainian Institute for Examination of Plant Varieties (Ukraine) and the State Commission for Testing Varieties (Republic of Moldova).
February 22, 2022
Meeting on the basis of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (NULES) in order to discuss the prospects for the development of Ukrainian-Argentine cooperation in the field of examination and registration of plant varieties. The meeting was held at the initiative of the Embassy of the Argentine Republic in Ukraine.
August 31, 2022
Conducting of the III International Applied Research Conference on "Newest agricultural technologies". For participation in the conference, 36 abstracts were received, which were included in the collection of Materials of the III International scientific and practical conference "Newest Agricultural Technologies". 8 scientific articles were received for publication in scientific and practical journals that are partners of the conference. Scientists from Ukraine, Turkey, China, India, Latvia and Algeria took part in the conference.
September 19‑23, 2022
Representatives of the UIPVE took part in the first session of the Technical Working Party "Testing Methods and Techniques", organized by UPOV in an online format. During the meeting, in accordance with the agenda, the report of the Office on UPOV activities was heard, the developments of UPOV member countries regarding the use of molecular markers during the examination at the VCU, technologies for storage and processing of molecular data, approaches to image analysis in the VCU examination, modern software developments were presented. provision and web-applications used in the VCU examination, development of molecular marker panels for use as additional methods of analysis during the VCU examination.
June 3, 2021
Conducting of the II International scientific and practical conference "Newest agricultural technologies". For participation in the conference, 44 abstracts were received, which were included in the collection of Materials of the II International scientific and practical conference "Newest Agricultural Technologies". 9 scientific articles were received for publication in scientific and practical journals that are partners of the conference. Scientists from Ukraine, Turkey, North Macedonia, Egypt, Lithuania, Hungary, Albania and Moldova took part in the conference.
September 10, 2020
Holding of the I International Applied Research Conference "Newest agricultural technologies". For participation in the conference, 32 abstracts were received, which were included in the collection of Materials of the I International Applied Research Conference "Newest Agricultural Technologies". 28 participants representing scientific institutions of Ukraine, Hungary, Lithuania and Lebanon joined the online conference.
November 26, 2020
An international online meeting of the leadership of the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Varieties Examination (UIPVE) and the Center for Agricultural Crop Variety Trails of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Center) was held.
During the meeting, the parties discussed the specifics of variety testing in Uzbekistan and Ukraine, touched upon practical issues related to the interaction between the UIESR and the CSKR, as well as the procedure for signing the Memorandum on cooperation between the UIPVE and the Center.
The Center was represented by: Mr. Shermat Nurmatovich NURMATOV (director), Mr. Mirzhamshid Abdumalikovich MURTALIBOV (deputy director); Mr. Marat Pulatovych ADILOV (head of the international department); Mr. Murtaza Zhoraevich ISRAILOV (head of the department of technical cultures); Mr. Izzat Bakhtiyarovych BOLTAYEV (head of the department of grain and fodder crops); Mr. Choriyeva Płat Amonqulovych MAVZUNA (head of the fruit and vegetable, melon and potato department); Mr. Zainiddin Khikmatullaevich TANGIR (head of the agricultural crop patenting department); Mr. Umid Kayumovych KAYUMOV (head of the technological cotton fiber laboratory); Mr. Otabek Urunbayevich ABDULLAYEV (head of the chemical and technological laboratory)
The UIPVE was represented by: Mr. Serhii MELNYK (director), Mrs. Svitlana TKACHYK (deputy director), Mrs. Zinaida KIENKO (deputy director), Mr. Kostyantyn MAZHUGA (deputy head of the department of scientific and technical information), Mrs. Svitlana VASKIVSKA (head of the department of application consideration, denomination examination and novelty of plant varieties), Mrs, Svitlana HRYNIV (head of the department of examination for Distinctness, Uniformity and stability), Mrs. Larisa PRYSIAZHNIUK (head of the molecular genetic analysis laboratory), Mrs. Nataliya Yakubenko (head of the international cooperation sector of the department of scientific and legal support and international cooperation) .
December 21, 2020
An online meeting of representatives of the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination and the Research Center for Cultivar Testing (COBORU) took place. During the meeting, the leadership of the parties' departments got acquainted, got acquainted with the current activities of the parties, discussed problematic issues, summed up the results, and agreed on the terms of preparation and signing of the Action Plan for 2021-2025.
The meeting was attended by COBORU: Prof. Edward GACEK (Director of COBORU); Mr. Marcin BEHNKE (deputy director for research and experimental work); Mrs. Alicia Rutkovska-Voshch (head of the department of registration and protection of rights to varieties); Marcin Krul (head of testing for excellence, homogeneity and stability); Józef Zykh (head of the department of research and assessment of the economic value of varieties); Michal Renbazh (head of the international cooperation department); Mykhailo Honcharenko (specialist of the international cooperation department).
From UIPVE: Mr. Serhii Melnyk (Director of UIPVE); Mrs. Svitlana Tkachyk (deputy director); Mrs. Zinaida Kyenko (deputy director); Mrs. Svitlana Vaskivska (head of the department for reviewing applications, examination of the denomination and novelty of plant varieties); Mrs. Svitlana Hryniv (head of the examination department for DUS-test); Mrs. Larisa Prysiazhniuk (head of the molecular genetic analysis laboratory); Mrs. Tetyana Khomenko (head of the department of examination on the suitability for dissemination of plant varieties); Mr. Yevgeny Starychenko (head of the department of scientific and technical information); Mrs. Nataliya Yakubenko (head of the international cooperation sector of the department of scientific and legal support and international cooperation).
June 7, 2019
the 5th International applied research conference on world plant resources: Current state and development prospects was held. Scientists of the UIPVE, scientific institutions and higher educational institutions of Ukraine and other countries took an active part in the work of the scientific and practical conference.
August 9, 2019
A memorandum about understanding between Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination (Ukraine) and Fu’Jian Sanan Sino-Science Photobiotech Co., Ltd (People's Republic of China) was signed. Detailed
September 24‑25, 2019
Within the framework of the Action Plan in the field of examination and protection of plant variety rights of the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination and the Research Center for Cultivar Testing (COBORU), representatives of the UIPVE:
Mrs. Tetyana Khomenko (head of the Department of examination on the suitability for dissemination of plant varieties);
Mr. Petro Lyalchuk (acting director of the Khmelnytskyi branch of the UIPVE);
Mr. Dmytro Smilyk (agronomist of the Sumy branch of the UIPVE);
Mrs. Valentyna Kizilova (head of the Reshetyliv sector of field research of the Poltava branch of the UIPVE) visited COBORU in order to study the experience of plant variety examination.
During the training, they visited the experimental station in the town of Zybiszow, which conducts the DUS-test, VCU-test, PDO, where they got acquainted with experimental fields, collections of varieties, equipment for conducting field research, etc.
October 3‑6, 2019
The X International Agricultural Symposium "AGROSYM 2019" was held in Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina. As part of the scientific cooperation with the University in East Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination (UIPVE) became a partner of "AGROSYM 2019". Mr. Borys SOROCHYNSKYI and Mrs. Larisa Prysiazhnyuk became members of the Scientific Committee from the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination.
June 7, 2018
Conducting of the 4th International applied research conference on world plant resources: Current state and development prospects, dedicated to the 95th anniversary of variety testing in Ukraine. 130 participants, including 58 foreign participants from Ukraine, Azerbaijan, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Moldova, and the Republic of Bashkortostan, took part in the work of the scientific and practical conference. Detailed[UU11]
June 12‑15, 2018
UIPVE representatives: director of UIPVE – Mr. Serhiy Melnyk, director of UIPVE Lviv regional branch ‑ Mr. Vasyl Kuzko, head of the department of international cooperation and provision of a representative in the UPOV Council ‑ Mrs. Nataliya Yakubenko took part in the International Applied Research Conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of post-registration study and recommendation of varieties to use in the Republic of Poland and an introductory visit to the Center for Varietal Testing of Agricultural Crops (СOBORU). More than 200 scientists, experts and representatives of the seed sector took part in the international scientific and practical conference, including representatives of examination institutions from Germany, the Netherlands, the Republic of Moldova, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and the Republic of Poland.
June 7, 2017
Holding of the 3rd International applied research conference International applied research conference on world plant resources: Current state and development prospects, dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination. 254 scientists from Ukraine, Moldova and Azerbaijan took part in the Conference.
June 8, 2017
The round table "The situation and prospects of the development of plant variety examination in Ukraine" was held, dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the establishing of the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination. The meeting was attended by the employees of UIPVE and its branches, representatives of branches of institutions of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, as well as representatives of companies and public associations.
September 20‑22, 2017
The representative of the Ukrainian Institute of Plant Varieties Expertise (Mrs. Larysa Prysiazhniuk ‑ Head of the Department of Laboratory Research (Certification Testing Center) took a part in the seminar "DNA methods and variety certification" (the Netherlands).
October 13, 2017
Holding of the International Applied «Current state and harmonization of the cultivated plant denominations within UPOV system". The conference was attended by representatives of the UIPVE, M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, National University of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine, M.M. Hryshka National Botanical Garden, “Sophiivka” National Dendrological Park of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukrainian Scientific Institute of Plant Breeding (VNIS) and others.
December 11, 2017
Representatives of the Ukrainian Institute for of Plant Variety Examination took part in the Round Table "Ukraine in the process of change: Registration of plant variety rights".
December 12, 2017
The Round Table "Ukraine and the Netherlands. Experience and perspective of cooperation in the examination of plant varieties".
April 21, 2016
Conducting of the 4th International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists "Breeding, Genetics and Technologies of Growing Agricultural Crops", organized by the Council of Young Scientists of the Myroniv Wheat Institute named after V. M. Remeslo of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination with the support of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine and the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine. 125 scientists from Ukraine and Moldova took part in the Conference.
April 27‑29, 2016
The representatives of the UIPVE visited the Netherlands Inspection Service for Horticulture (Naktuinbouw) of the Netherlands. The Ukrainian side got acquainted with the system of examination and registration of plant varieties of the Netherlands, in particular, took part in meetings with representatives of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Dutch Board for Plant Varieties of the Netherlands, the Netherlands Inspection Service for Horticulture (Naktuinbouw), the Dutch Plantum Association concerning breeding, production and sale of seeds and seedlings
June 8‑11, 2016
Participation of the UIPVE in the nationwide event in the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine ‑ XXIV International agro-industrial exhibition "AGRO-2016".
For participation in the exhibition, the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination was awarded a Diploma and a Gold Medal in the nomination "For a significant contribution to the formation of national plant variety resources as the basis of the food security of the state".
November 3, 2016
Holding of the 2nd International applied research conference on world plant resources: Current state and development prospects, where 216 participants took part, including 87 foreign ones.
December 14, 2016
Meeting of representatives of the Associations " the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine”, "Ukrainian Seed Partnership Association", "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club ", "Seed Association of Ukraine", other commercial structures engaged in seed production and scientific research institutions of the National Academy of Sciences with representatives of the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination.
June 3‑6, 2015
Participation of the UIPVE in the nationwide event in the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine ‑ XXIV International agro-industrial exhibition "AGRO-2015".
For participation in the exhibition, the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination was awarded a Diploma and a Gold Medal in the nomination "For a significant contribution to the formation of national plant variety resources as the basis of the food security of the state".
November 3, 2015
There was carry out the International Applied Research Conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Ukraine's membership in the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) on the topic World plant resources: Current state and development prospects. 100 scientists from Ukraine, the Netherlands, Germany and Hungary took part in the conference.
November 8, 2015
(Ukrainian-Polish meeting).
The round table "The state and prospects for the development of bilateral cooperation between Ukraine and the Republic of Poland in the field of examination and plant variety protection " was held with the participation of representatives of the UIPVE and the Research Center for Cultivar Testing (COBORU). The Action Plan in the field of examination and plant variety rights protection of the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination and Research Center for Cultivar Testing of Republic of Poland for 2016–2020 was signed.
December 17, 2015
A round table was held: "Ukraine is in the process of changes for the better: Protection of rights to plant varieties" (Kyiv), with the participation of the secretary of the Dutch Council for Plant Varieties (Mr. Kees Jan Groenewoud), director of the Bureau for Combating Violations of Intellectual Property Rights to Plant Material of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Mr. Casper van Kempen), representatives of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ukraine, the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine, the Department of Agriculture of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, the State Service for Food Safety and Protection of Consumer Rights of Ukraine, the Department of Innovation and Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, the Institute of Plant Varieties Examination, the Seed Association, the Association of Planting Material Producers and companies: Agrico, Agrotex, Beyo, True Tech, Granex, Rijk Zvaan, Roseta Agro, Solana, the Institute of Horticulture of the National Academy of Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Monsanto, Syngenta, Bayer, H. Zet PC Pioneer
June 4‑7, 2014
Participation of the UIPVE in the nationwide event in the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine ‑ XXIV International agro-industrial exhibition "AGRO-2014". For participation in the exhibition, the UIPVE was awarded a Diploma.
May 22‑25, 2013
Participation of the UIPVE in the nationwide event in the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine ‑ XXIV International agro-industrial exhibition "AGRO-2013". For participation in the exhibition, the UIPVE was awarded a Diploma
June 17-21, 2013
The 42nd session of the Technical Working Party for Agricultural Crops UPOV was held in Ukraine (Kyiv), which was attended by 58 foreign participants from 30 countries of the world (UPOV member countries). During the visit, the participants had a technical visit to the Mankivka State variety testing station and to the M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
July 12‑13, 2012
It was carried out the International Applied Research Conference on "The State and Prospects of the Formation of Plant Variety Resources in Ukraine". The conference was attended by 287 participants.
September 5, 2012
The UIPVE held a seminar on the topic: "Formation of national variety resources for the organization of food security of Ukraine."
September 5‑8, 2012
Participation of the UIPVE in the nationwide event in the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine ‑ XXIV International agro-industrial exhibition "AGRO-2012". For participation in the exhibition, the UIPVE was awarded a Diploma